We didn't do alot on Sunday - not because I was so drunk or so hungover I couldn't function, but because it was a day of rest and there were signs that our souls needed some time to catch up and recuperate. And who are we to argue with our own souls? Whatever is was we did that day there is photographic record and my memory isn't anywhere near that good anymore!
Monday dawned and we decided to explore Perth City. We took the bus and the train and then hopped on old Shank's pony (we walked in other words). We went to the Perth Mint where we weren't allowed to take pictures - sigh - and watched them pour gold. It was just as cool as the first time and just as enjoyable. After that we wandered about the town and said hello to the kangeroo's that are forever hanging out by the road and being a traffic nuisance. Luckily one was in a friendly mood and we managed to snap a picture of him with Inga and Rachael. Shortly after that he poked Inga with something (it wasn't his paw...) and she slapped him one, causing them all to bound off between the traffic to annoy someone else

. We strolled on and met some businessmen who were still trying to get into the nearby office building and it would seem they're going to be stuck there forever. We shook hands with them and wished them luck before ambling off to explore some more. One of them wanted to buy Rachael and we were sorely tempted until he explained that he'd pay us once he'd gotten inside. "No chance, mate" was our response so we've still got her.

It wasn't a hectic action packed day but it was enjoyable. The strangest bit was seeing a girl on the train coming in. Not just any girl, but the same girl who had been serving us all beer a couple of evening's ago. This time she wasn't topless, or naked (how she ended up which was a novelty for me - being served beers by a naked woman. Wonder is Inga would go for that...) but fully dressed. I pointed her out to Inga but refrained from saying Hello to her just in case she was with her Granny who didn't know what she did of an evening. Tomorrow, we decided, we'd collect our car for the trip down South and start packing our bags to leave the house.
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