This is a very short post purely to celebrate the fact that I have completed all my Christmas shopping! Hurray!
I have purchased gifts galore for a variety of people and now all I need to do is wrap them up - believe it or not, Rachael has already finished all her wrapping up! - and put fancy labels, bows and ribbon on them prior to Wednesday when Inga turns up again for a week.

At the end of next week we are off to Germany for a long weekend of eating, drinking, shopping and Christmas markets with most of the family (Jason, Dani & Rex, Karen, Sam & caitlin, Rachael and me - Inga will be waiting impatiently for us to arrive) - It's going to be such a great weekend (I hope). The picture is of the Christmas log Rachael made at Rangers on Friday which we have already whittled down to a fraction of its original size - yummy.
Anyway, time to cook tea and hang up the washing - a domesticated man, whatever next?
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