Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Where am I today?

So, it's now September and I'm occupying the sofa at Nic's place rather than the office in Germany for the morning before I continue on my trek around the UK tidying things up after completing my move. Yep! I've moved! I now officially live in Germany! Well semi officially as I'm not entirely sure I've sorted out my tax position or informed everybody that I've gone but I'm sure I'll get there eventually. That said, some things have to stay UK registered so I have officially moved back to my sisters place too. It's no wonder I don't know where I am or what day it is!

So, this week is run around week. Today it's Peterborough and Norwich, tomorrow it's Barnsley and Rawtenstall, Thursday it's Oxford and Bournemouth, Friday it's Poole and Brigend. And finally, on Sunday, it's back to Peterborough before hopefully Norwich (again) and then a ferry back to Germany with the garden loaded in the back on Tuesday at the latest. Phew. I'm worn out looking at the list of places and driving I'm doing this week let alone the work I have to do at each place!

The good news is that pretty much everything has now moved across the water (except the herb garden, some tomatoes and a few odds and ends) so all that remains is to finish sorting stuff out and finding places for things to live in my new home. This is not an easy task, to say the least - (a) because I have quite a bit and (b) because Inga is already moved in and settled so the arrival of another complete house has rather an impact on things. I'm sure we'll find a balance somewhere along the way that doesn't involve a skip and my possessions but I had better make sure I'm home a bit more often just to make sure! :-)

I'm also hoping that having all this finally sorted and the fact we're living in one house in one country will mean life becomes a tad calmer and I'll have more time to blog both personally and work related (the list of outstanding Gina entries is quite long) so you may well see an increase in the number of inane ramblings on this blog (not that many people read them but I quite like writing them so who cares). Things on the agenda are An Introduction to Wallace, Say Hello to Sam, A tour of the new house and no doubt alot of entries about life in a different country and how I'm coping or not as the case may be.

In the meantime you get the normal rubbish! :-)

Other news is that Rachael is now settling into her Gap Year in Thailand at the college with Clem (her teaching buddy/partner) and is actually managing to post pictures and the occasional blog entry (get her to add you as a friend on facebook if you want to keep up to date or add her blog) She seems to be enjoying herself immensely and I do hope it stays that way. It's not yet hit home that she's gone away for a year as I've been too busy with work and the move but no doubt I'll start to miss her at some point. Probably.

The family have all buggered off to Australia too to see Jason, Dani, Rex and the growing bump in their new house. Would have been nice to have been invited even if I couldn't afford the time or money to go, but I am the black sheep of the family and so quite low on the list of considerations when anything family is being discussed (poor me!) so it's not that surprising I suppose. If Inga and I ever get some time off for holidays then maybe we'll go but for now I'm looking forwards to less travel (especially driving!) and exploring my new home country and the areas around it.

Enough waffling about nothing, time to do some real work and sort out my last appointments for the week. With luck, there'll be more rubbish from me in the near future. Tschuss!