Friday, 20 August 2010

All change!

My attempt to blog on a regular basis has failed somewhat in the last few months due entirely to work, pressure and maybe a little bit of stress over all the happenings that have been going on. Thankfully they are mostly coming to an end now and a more relaxing way of life is beckoning (I am being a tad optimistic there it has to be said!)

So, the news. First, in just 5 days, Rachael finally flies off to Thailand to begin her year of teaching English in a vocational college. This is a great opportunity for her and I hope she grasps it with both hands and wrings every last drop of opportunity from it. Being a teenager (yes, she finally succumbed to that brainless, listless state where she can't be bothered with much) I have my doubts she'll get everything she could out of it but I still have hope. We shall see.

Secondly, I'm into the last month of wrapping stuff up prior to moving out to Germany. The house is mostly empty and indeed looks like we've been burgled. The worst thing is that you can now clearly see how bad your cleaning skills have been over the years! The final trailer load is going early Sept and then I have a week to ten days of 'camping' in the house before the final professional clean and handing the keys back. I'm both excited and nervous about moving to another country - not because it's foreign but because I'll be living with Inga again :-)

Thirdly, the house is finished! I was supposed to have done alot of small jobs but everytime I was there for anything more than a couple of days we were at an event and I always had to rush back so Inga got the handyman to finish all the bits off. I'm a bit disappointed to be honest as I was looking forwards to doing something of the renovation (other than ripping stuff out) but she hated living in a building site and patience has never been one of her strong points so it's not really surprising she wasn't willing to wait until late September for me to arrive and start.

So, three bits of news that hide a whole six months of running around screaming like a bunch of headless chickens. All I have to do now is sell more tents so we can pay for the house renovation and adjust/adapt to living in a new country. Which means finally pulling my finger out and learning the language at the very least - after four years I may have just run out of excuses :-) Maybe we'll take a short holiday first, no doubt in a tent.